
The Children’s Center Inc. adhere to the highest standards of safety, frequently exceeding the standards observed by other day care centers, preschool facilities or child care services. From the classrooms to the playgrounds to the food serving area, we have specific standards and procedures to ensure the safety and security of each child in our care.

  • Specific procedures for daily student drop-off and pick-up ensure no child is left behind.
  • Schools maintain updated files on authorized contacts in case of an illness or unforeseen emergency.
  • Teachers ensure organized classrooms to maximize safety and supervision.
  • Our cribs are built for maximum viewing on all sides and do not contain any materials hazardous to a child’s sleeping habits.
  • Our staff uses the National SIDS Campaign “Back to Sleep” as a preventative measure for SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).
  • Teachers are trained in Infant, Child and Adult CPR and First Aid.
  • Our doors are padded at the hinge so little fingers don’t get pinched when doors are opened and closed between classrooms.
  • Lobby entrances are secure, and there are security cameras in each classroom for front office monitoring.
  • System ensures maintenance of confidential and up-to-date health records, immunization records and emergency contacts.
  • Our food preparation and storage are monitored to ensure safe, nutritious meals along with sanitary food preparation surfaces.
  • We conduct safety drills every 30 days for tornado, and fire,  as well as  lockdowns drills.